Posted May 22, 2024 at 9:42 am

Uh wow, hello. I haven't forgotten, I never could.

10 entire years ago I started this comic. I honestly never thought I'd have a comic for this long. It's been some... sporadic updates in the last like, 5 of these 10 years. But nonetheless: May 22, 2014 I officially posted the prologue. Geez!!!

So this poster is a little teaser. I will be ending SanCirc this year. Maybe not in the way you think, so here's a big disclaimer on how that's going down: I will be sharing the script of the remaining chapters. This isn't really how I wanted it to end. I fought hard to try and continue with drawing these comic pages, because I am quite proud of these chapters, and the idea of drawing them does excite me. But as you can see... I've tried, and tried, but in the end I need to recognize my limits here. And it sucks. Even though it's only a few more chapters, because they're longer, it would still be another hundred pages to complete the comic. And it's been ten years. And I need to move on.

It's not that I despise this comic, but 10 years is a long time! So much has changed! I was 19/20 when I started this. Now I'm 30. That's a big leap, let me tell you. And I love what I did with SanCirc, but if anything I've learned in these last few years as I struggled to continue working on the comic, is that I do need to move on. But I couldn't do that without leaving some kind of ending. I don't think that's fair! I've had this ending written for a few years now. Although I couldn't do comics, I hope the script can bring a closure to the story too.

The script is done, but I'm still working on some little illustrations I want to include with it (because it still feels wrong just posting a script!). Foolish, 19 year-old me did not have the foresight they should have in that May was obviously going to be the busiest month for me, in the future. C'mon, past me, you should have known!!! Anyway, I had wanted to post the script today but it's not quite ready, but soon. Soon.

In the meantime, I've made the PDF of the artbook I made in 2017 available to get on my shop (CLICK HERE) for the first time in a long time. It's 5 bucks CAD. It has probably most of the art and sketches I ever made for SanCirc and the years I was most active with it. It was a treat looking through it again, honestly.

Anyway--a final note is, of course, a big thanks to all of you, for being with me for these 10 years. I won't lie in that I've felt a tremendous amount of guilt for not being able to update this comic as frequently anymore. You all are so sweet and funny and a joy to make comics for, so thank you so so much.

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